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juillet 2024

15 juillet 2024 -
18 juillet 2024    
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FEMS Junior EUROMAT 2024

FEMS Junior EUROMAT 2024

FEMS Junior EUROMAT 2024 will continue to inspire, develop and celebrate the skills and work of students and early career materials scientists and engineers with a comprehensive programme.
15 juillet 2024 -
17 juillet 2024    
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ICMM8 -8th International Conference on Material Modelling

ICMM8 -8th International Conference on Material Modelling

Material modelling has become a field of high scientific importance in the last decades. Although there are many workshops, meetings, colloquia, etc. on specific materials and particular applications, an ICMM conference series is the only one dedicated to material modelling and its various aspects. To this end, the aim of the ICMM conference is to bring together researchers from various fields of material modelling and material characterization and to cover all aspects of material modelling.
21 juillet 2024 -
26 juillet 2024    
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WCCM 2024 / PANACM 2024 - 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics

WCCM 2024 / PANACM 2024 - 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics

The WCCM-PANACM Congress is co-organized by the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) and the Canadian Association for Computational Science and Engineering (CACSE).

août 2024

26 août 2024 -
30 août 2024    
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ESOMAT 2024 - 13th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformation

ESOMAT 2024 - 13th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformation

The European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, since 1989 first edition, is one of the most important events for scientists who are interested in martensitic transformation-based phenomena, shape memory alloys, magnetic shape memory alloys, martensite in steel and ceramics. ESOMAT 2024 covers all aspects behind of martensitic transformation, from theory, modelling, experimental characterization, fabrication and processing, structure/property evaluation and applications. Again, martensitic transformation features and properties of 3D additive manufacturing materials will be focused.
26 août 2024 -
30 août 2024    
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ICTAM 2024 - 26th International Conference of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

ICTAM 2024 - 26th International Conference of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

ICTAM has been held every four years since its establishment in 1924 and is known as the Olympics of mechanics, the core field of engineering. The conference is the world's most prestigious conference, with as many as 5,000 participants, and is systematically operated by the international organization IUTAM. ICTAM 2024 invites you to submit an extended abstract for the upcoming world conference, August 25-30, 2024 in Daegu, Republic of Korea. Congress participants are encouraged to submit papers on innovative research in fluids, fluids-solids, and solids.
28 août 2024 -
30 août 2024    
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This school is a great opportunity for graduate students and post-docs from both, renewable energy technology and corrosion science, for further specialized training interfacing the principles of green energy technologies and corrosion science approaches.

septembre 2024

1 septembre 2024 -
5 septembre 2024    
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eurocorr 2024

eurocorr 2024

This will be achieved by bringing together corrosion experts from universities, research centers and industries. EUROCORR2024 will be a forum for presentation and discussion of advances in understanding corrosion phenomena and progress in corrosion prevention. The program will include plenary lectures, keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations in all the areas covered by the EFC working parties, with additional topical workshops. A large exhibition is planned, which will feature the latest developments in corrosion resistant materials, corrosion research, corrosion monitoring, coatings, inhibitors, cathodic protection. EUROCORR2024 will cover all aspects of corrosion science, technology, and engineering, with emphasis on a main theme: A step forward in societal awareness of material degradation issues
2 septembre 2024 -
6 septembre 2024    
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XIII WRTCS 2022 - 13rd World Round Table Conference on Sintering

XIII WRTCS 2022 - 13rd World Round Table Conference on Sintering

XIII WRTCS will be held as a joint event with 25 YUCOMAT. It includes the participation of renowned Plenary speakers, Oral presentations, Poster sessions and Symposia related to contemporary programs in the field of sintering as well as an attractive social and cultural program.
4 septembre 2024 -
6 septembre 2024    
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AAMS 2024 - Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium

AAMS 2024 - Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium

Online registration and payment deadline is 15 June 2024. On-site registration will be IMPOSSIBLE! The symposium will explore all the materials science aspects associated with additive manufacturing (AM) of metals and composites containing metallic phases. Encompassing experimental, theoretical, and computational research, this symposium will dive into various facets such as feedstock creation, characterization, degradation during AM processing, in-process alloying, in situ characterization of microstructure evolution and material behavior changes, post-processing techniques, and resultant structural and/or functional properties. We encourage contributions focusing on optimizing existing alloys for AM processes and the innovative design of tailor-made alloys.
8 septembre 2024 -
13 septembre 2024    
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SIMS-24 - 24th international conference  on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

SIMS-24 - 24th international conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

SIMS-24 offrira un forum aux collègues du milieu universitaire et de l’industrie, du monde entier, pour échanger résultats et nouvelles idées sur le SIMS et les techniques connexes. Une session spéciale d’une journée entière sur les défis et opportunités du SIMS dans les applications industrielles sera organisée pour mettre en avant les besoins d’utilisation pratique du SIMS dans la recherche appliquée sur les matériaux et/ou les applications industrielles
10 septembre 2024    
13:00 - 14:00
Choix des matériaux et les transitions

Choix des matériaux et les transitions

Organisée dans le cadre des 80 ans de la SF2M, une série de webinaires balayera tous les matériaux (métaux, céramiques, polymères … multimatériaux et composites, …) et présentera des visions industrielles et des progrès scientifiques récents.
23 septembre 2024 -
27 septembre 2024    
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TOFA 2024 -19th meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys

TOFA 2024 -19th meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys

As usual TOFA 2024 will be an opportunity for all generations to meet. Researchers, scientists and students in the field of thermodynamics of alloys are welcome to join this international conference. TOFA 2024 will be a single session conference based on invited lectures, selected oral presentations and poster session.
24 septembre 2024 -
26 septembre 2024    
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Materials Science & Engineering Congress - MSE 2024

Materials Science & Engineering Congress - MSE 2024

MSE, organized by DGM, holds the distinction of being one of Europe's premier event in Material Science and Engineering. Organized biannually, it's more than just a convention - it's a celebration of innovation and inspiration. With typically over 1,200 participants from worldwide origins, this year is particularly special as we have Sweden, a beacon in materials science, as our guest country. From plenary talks by visionaries, enlightening highlight lectures, to engaging poster sessions and the much-anticipated and legendary MSE party, there's something for everyone. As we delve into these exciting sessions, both in person and virtually, we invite you to seize this opportunity to connect, share, and collectively sculpt the future of materials.
29 septembre 2024 -
2 octobre 2024    
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Euro PM2024 Congress & Exhibition

Euro PM2024 Congress & Exhibition

An expected 300 oral and poster papers will define the latest developments in Powder Metallurgy (PM) over three full days of plenary presentations and special interest seminars. In addition there will be market reviews from global specialists and workshops on essential issues.
29 septembre 2024 -
4 octobre 2024    
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IMOHTEM - Interaction mécanique et oxydation haute température dans les alliages métalliques

IMOHTEM - Interaction mécanique et oxydation haute température dans les alliages métalliques

Cette école s'adresse à des chercheurs jeunes ou confirmés et des ingénieurs de recherche dans le domaine de l'oxydation à haute température ou de la durabilité/déformation à chaud des alliages métalliques. Elle vise également des chercheurs et ingénieurs de recherche experts d'outils de caractérisation pointus ou en modélisation multi-physique souhaitant s'ouvrir à des domaines d'application.

octobre 2024

1 octobre 2024 -
4 octobre 2024    
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IBAF 2024 - dixièmes rencontres Ion Beam Applications Francophone

IBAF 2024 - dixièmes rencontres Ion Beam Applications Francophone

Ces journées portent sur tous les aspects liés à la production et à l'exploitation de faisceaux de particules chargées dans le domaine du MeV, typiquement issues d’accélérateurs électrostatiques ou des petits cyclotrons.
7 octobre 2024 -
9 octobre 2024    
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MS&T24 - Materials Science & Technology

MS&T24 - Materials Science & Technology

The Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) technical meeting and exhibition series is a long-standing, recognized forum for fostering technical innovation at the intersection of materials science, engineering, and application. At MS&T, you can learn from those who are on the cutting edge of their disciplines, share your work with the leading minds in your field, and build the valuable cross-disciplinary collaborations unique to this conference series.
8 octobre 2024 -
11 octobre 2024    
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14th EASN International Conference

14th EASN International Conference

The 14th EASN International Conference will be focused on "Innovation in Aviation & Space towards sustainability today & tomorrow". This conference is all about engaging in a lively exchange of ideas. It will feature prominent figures from Europe's Aviation and Space sectors, representing academia, industry, research, and policymaking, who will share their valuable insights during the Plenary Talks. The conference will offer a platform for scientists and researchers worldwide to present their latest discoveries across various thematic sessions. These sessions, thoughtfully curated by respected experts, aim to facilitate knowledge exchange and foster collaboration. Beyond the research presentations, this conference aspires to be a hub for European Dissemination and Exploitation.
8 octobre 2024 -
9 octobre 2024    
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TITANE 2024 : la performance issue de la mise en œuvre

TITANE 2024 : la performance issue de la mise en œuvre

Ces journées technologiques rassembleront des experts de l’industrie du titane pour discuter de l’importance économique de ce métal précieux et explorer les dernières innovations dans son utilisation. Des présentations techniques et des sessions de networking seront proposées, offrant aux participants l’opportunité de partager leur expertise et d’en apprendre davantage sur les développements récents de l’industrie du titane.
10 octobre 2024 -
11 octobre 2024    
Toute la journée
Avancées en simulation numérique du soudage et de la fabrication additive

Avancées en simulation numérique du soudage et de la fabrication additive

Le colloque est organisé autour de 2 journées alliant présentations techniques et moments d’échanges conviviaux, favorables aux discussions entre les différents acteurs de la communauté. Les participants auront ainsi l’opportunité de comprendre les applications industrielles qui transforment le paysage de la fabrication et de découvrir les avancées dans le domaine de la simulation du soudage et de la fabrication additive, et participer à une réflexion lors d’une table ronde sur l’intégration de l’IA dans les modèles de SNS.
10 octobre 2024    
08:30 - 13:00


Cette journée technique sera une occasion unique pour les professionnels, chercheurs et industriels de participer à une formation approfondie, détaillant l’état de l’art et les meilleures pratiques actuelles dans l’utilisation de ces matériaux de haute performance.
14 octobre 2024 -
15 octobre 2024    
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JADH24 - Journées de formation sur l'adhésion

JADH24 - Journées de formation sur l'adhésion

Au programme, deux journées de formation seront dispensées par nos experts académiques et industriels. Ces sessions destinées à un public diversifié, offriront un panorama complet des problématiques liées à l’adhésion sous toutes ses facettes. Lors des exposés seront présentés les outils d’analyse et de compréhension des mécanismes fondamentaux d’adhésion ou encore des éléments d’expertise ou des outils pratiques pour proposer des solutions d’assemblage par collage. Cette formation sera suivie d'un colloque scientifique de trois jours.
15 octobre 2024 -
17 octobre 2024    
Toute la journée
SFGP 2024 -  19ème Congrès Français de Génie des Procédés

SFGP 2024 - 19ème Congrès Français de Génie des Procédés

Ce congrès est l’évènement majeur bisannuel de la communauté du Génie des Procédés. Il a pour objectif de rassembler acteurs industriels et universitaires, de communiquer sur les dernières avancées de la discipline et de favoriser les échanges sur les problématiques actuelles liées aux transitions énergétiques, environnementales et sociétales.
16 octobre 2024 -
18 octobre 2024    
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ECIC 2024 - 9th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress

ECIC 2024 - 9th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress

ECIC 2024 will focus on the newest technologies in coke making, sintering, pelletizing, pyrolyzing the biomasses and ironmaking (blast furnaces, direct reduction and carbon-based smelting processes).
16 octobre 2024 -
18 octobre 2024    
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International worshop Innovative and sustainable metallurgy

International worshop Innovative and sustainable metallurgy

The aim of this international workshop is twofold: (i) highlight some interesting innovations and international collaborations made in the framework of Labex DAMAS and (ii) focus on recent developments in which the of the scientists of University of Lorraine are now involved in terms of sustainable metallurgy.
16 octobre 2024 -
18 octobre 2024    
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JADH24 - 23èmes Journées d'étude sur l'adhésion

JADH24 - 23èmes Journées d'étude sur l'adhésion

Les thèmes scientifiques traités sont larges à l’image du caractère pluridisciplinaire qu’est la science de l’adhésion. Des sessions thématiques seront organisées autour de conférenciers invités qui présenterons une synthèse de leurs travaux sur le mouillage, la durabilité des assemblages structuraux, la fonctionnalisation de surface ou encore les nouvelles synthèses d’adhésif par exemple. Une session poster dédiée donnera également l’opportunité aux doctorants de présenter leurs recherches à un public composé d’étudiants, d’académiques et d’industriels.

novembre 2024

18 novembre 2024 -
21 novembre 2024    
Toute la journée


Les journées annuelles 2024 de la SF2M seront dévolues à l'impact environnemental des matériaux et s'organiseront autour de 4 thèmes principaux : Économie circulaire, matières premières secondaires et recyclage des matériaux - Innovation et optimisation des procédés de production et de réparation - Amélioration des propriétés pour plus de durabilité - Les matériaux de construction pour une ville durable.
25 novembre 2024 -
26 novembre 2024    
colloque de la commission FSW et soudage à l'état solide

colloque de la commission FSW et soudage à l'état solide

RÉSERVEZ LA DATE ! Cet évènement inclura des présentations scientifiques sur le soudage à l’état solide et les procédés dérivés (comme le friction stir additive) ainsi qu’une visite des installations de Stirweld.
27 novembre 2024 -
29 novembre 2024    
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CellMAT 2024 - 8th International Conference on Cellular Materials

CellMAT 2024 - 8th International Conference on Cellular Materials

CellMAT is a biennial conference where scientists from materials scientists, physicists, chemists, process engineers, mechanical engineers and designers exchange the latest research results on cellular materials. The conference gains its special significance through its unique inclusion of all material classes from metallic and ceramic materials to polymers and composite materials, and thus, includes different aspects of a fascinating class of materials and is an exceptional cross-disciplinary and inspiring discussion forum for industry, non-university institutions and academia.
28 novembre 2024 -
29 novembre 2024    
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The Meeting will be performed through invited presentations and on the basis of the selection of the abstracts sent by authors and companies interested in sharing their updated knowledge on the following topics.

décembre 2024

5 décembre 2024 -
6 décembre 2024    
08:30 - 18:00


En collaboration avec le Pôle Européen de la Céramique, l’antenne A3TS Limousin organise ses Journées Revêtements par Voie Sèche – science, innovation et industrie, les 5 et 6 décembre 2024 à Limoges afin de réunir les experts industriels et académiques des traitements de surface par voie sèche. Ces journées ont pour objectif de couvrir des sujets de bas TRL à la fois sur les dépôts réalisés par projection thermique ainsi que sur les couches minces.

février 2025

11 février 2025 -
13 février 2025    
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H2 MSE - Hydrogen related Innovations in Materials science & Engineering

H2 MSE - Hydrogen related Innovations in Materials science & Engineering

The inaugural Conference on Hydrogen in Materials Science and Engineering will cover a wide range of topics, including innovations in hydrogen-material interactions and the development of hydrogen-resistant and hydrogen-storageable materials. The program committee invites the community to submit abstracts for lectures, posters and poster pitch presentations. On 11 February 2025, four workshops will be held on high-pressure hydrogen charging, electrochemical hydrogen charging, the combination of electrochemical charging and mechanical testing, and hydrogen analytics.

mars 2025

2 mars 2025 -
7 mars 2025    
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EWCPS 2025 - 20th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry

EWCPS 2025 - 20th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry

This conference brings together plasma spectrochemists from all over the world to exchange and discuss the most recent scientific results and developments in Plasma Spectrochemistry and stimulates contacts between academia and industry. The conference program covers all topics concerning analytical plasma spectrochemistry and related mass and emission spectrometric technique such as ICP-MS, GD-MS, ICP-AES, DCP-AES, MIP-AES, LIBS or LAMIS.

avril 2025

9 avril 2025 -
10 avril 2025    
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HYBRID 2025 - 6th International Conference Hybrid Materials and Structures

HYBRID 2025 - 6th International Conference Hybrid Materials and Structures

The 6th International Conference Hybrid Materials and Structures treats the broad spectrum of topics from base materials to design and from manufacturing to applications. Hence, the base for a serious discussion on the behavior of material and components under application specific conditions will be provided. The only limitation is the focus on material combinations that bring together different material classes and perform structural tasks in some way.

mai 2025

20 mai 2025 -
22 mai 2025    
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41èmes Journées de Printemps

juin 2025

1 juin 2025 -
5 juin 2025    
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IDDRG 2025 - 44th Conference of the International Deep Drawing Research Group

IDDRG 2025 - 44th Conference of the International Deep Drawing Research Group

The scope of the conference is aligned with the mission of the International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG), https://iddrg.com/ which is to coordinate research and development work in sheet metal forming, to bring together scientists, researchers and industrialists working in these fields all over the world and to provide an open and scientifically highly acknowledged forum for its members to present their research and development findings on all aspects of sheet metal forming and related subjects.
22 juin 2025 -
25 juin 2025    
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ICEAF VIII - 8th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure

ICEAF VIII - 8th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure

The Conference aims to attract interdisciplinary work dedicated to: the design against engineering failure, the implementation of appropriate guidelines against failure, the development and application of concepts and technologies to prevent of failure, the use of both, novel and established approaches, technologies, and tools for failure analysis, the prevention of failure through structural health monitoring and non-destructive-inspection and testing, as well as the deep understanding of the underlying failure mechanisms and the identification of the failure root causes. Research contributions are expected to cover various technological areas including aeronautics and space, automotive, marine, sustainable energy technologies, oil refineries and chemical industry, civil engineering applications, bioengineering, and medical applications, etc.
23 juin 2025 -
27 juin 2025    
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La Métallurgie, quel avenir !

La Métallurgie, quel avenir !

Ce colloque qui a vocation à réunir tous les acteurs de la métallurgie française, académiques et industriels, pour échanger sur des problématiques communes, de la formation à la recherche, sera accueilli dans les locaux de l'INSA de Toulouse.

juillet 2025

1 juillet 2025 -
3 juillet 2025    
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DIR 2025 - 10th International Symposium on Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography

DIR 2025 - 10th International Symposium on Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography

The organizing committee formed by COFREND, CEA List and DGZfP, wishes to promote a qualitative exchange of information on technologies, applications and quality assurance in the area of digital industrial radiology and computed tomography, over a three days meeting. All scientists, users, equipment suppliers and more broadly all academic and industrial participants interested in Non-Destructive Testing / Non-destructive Evaluation applications, are invited to submit a paper

août 2025

25 août 2025 -
29 août 2025    
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CFM 2025 -26 éme Congrès Français de Mécanique

CFM 2025 -26 éme Congrès Français de Mécanique

RÉSERVEZ LA DATE ! Le Congrès Français de Mécanique est la manifestation de l’Association et plus largement de toute la communauté mécanicienne française et au-delà francophone. Sa vocation est de réunir l’ensemble des acteurs de la recherche et de l’innovation, tant académiques qu’industriels, afin de favoriser les échanges et les avancées scientifiques et techniques autour des problématiques et enjeux de la société de demain.

septembre 2025

14 septembre 2025 -
17 septembre 2025    
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Euro PM2025 Congress & Exhibition

Euro PM2025 Congress & Exhibition

An expected 300 oral and poster papers will define the latest developments in Powder Metallurgy (PM) over three full days of plenary presentations and special interest seminars. In addition there will be market reviews from global specialists and workshops on essential issues.

octobre 2025

6 octobre 2025 -
9 octobre 2025    
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ESTAD 2025 - 7th European Steel Technology and Application Days

ESTAD 2025 - 7th European Steel Technology and Application Days

7th ESTAD 2025 offers attendants and visitors the opportunity to meet, exchange their ideas, perform fruitful discussion and create new professional relationships involving technology providers, suppliers, producers and customers. The meeting will be focused on the technological advances, changes of the supply chain involving the raw materials and energy sources, transformation of the production processes and plants to accomplish the twin transition (ecological and digital) and the new perspective of steel applications.

novembre 2025

19 novembre 2025 -
20 novembre 2025    
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Fatigue Design 2025

Fatigue Design 2025

Fatigue Design conference aims to present the most innovative approaches and scientific progress in design methodologies, tools, and equipment’s life extension, focusing on industrial applications.

août 2026

31 août 2026 -
3 septembre 2026    
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International Conference Sintering 2026

International Conference Sintering 2026

The International Conference on Sintering is a world-wide forum dedicated to the science and technology of sintering, which is an essential step for the processing of ceramics and powder metallurgical parts. The technical program will cover all aspects of sintering through invited and contributed talks, poster presentations. Students, researchers and faculty members as well as professionals from industry are cordially invited to attend.