9 avril 2025 -
10 avril 2025 / La Haye
Congrès hybride
HYBRID 2025 – 6th International Conference Hybrid Materials and Structures
The conference chairs invite you to submit short talks as well as oral poster presentations on hybrid materials and structures. Depending on their focus, your submitted abstract will be assigned to one of the conferences thematic areas. Abstracts on the following topics and beyond are welcome:
A: Basics
The session is dedicated to basic questions such like novel material concepts including approaches to more sustainability, increasing material compatibility with a focus on interface properties. Further-on, contributions on residual stresses, warpage and challenges such like ageing and corrosion are to be discussed.
B: Characterization
The session takes a closer look into the material properties related to the processing history using destructive and non-destructive characterization methods as well as materialographic and microanalytical investigations. Contributions regarding the development of novel characterization methods for hybrid materials or dealing with quality assurance are highly welcome.
C: Design
The session focusses on hybrid component designs and design methods, the modelling and simulation of hybrid materials and concepts as well as data-driven concepts to meet challenges related to hybridization.
D: Production
All challenges related to manufacturing and processing hybrid materials including joining, finishing, assembly, disassembly and recycling techniques are the main focus of this session.
E: Operation
All issues that are related to the use and application of hybrids are addressed in this session covering questions of condition monitoring, structural health monitoring and maintenance. Contributions looking into life cycle assessment and repair concepts are also welcome.
SP: Special Session: „Thermoset-Thermoplastic Hybrid Composites“
This conference`s special session is dedicated to a novel hybrid material concept combining thermosets and thermoplastics. Both intrinsically (one-step) and extrinsically (joined) fusioned concepts are within the scope of the session covering all aspects of the beforementioned sessions but focussing on this material concept, exclusively.
Site internet de l’évènement
DGM - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde
TU Delft
9 avril 2025 -
10 avril 2025
TU Delft Wijnhaven
Turfmarkt 99, La Haye
+49 (0)69 75306-780
Date limite de soumission