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Type d'événement : RNM

ESAFORM 2021 – 24th International Conference on Material Forming

The conference will cover numerous disciplines related to material forming including all kind of materials (metals, polymers, ceramics and composites), processes (traditional and new forming processes), scales (nano, micro, macro and meso) and approaches (modelling, simulation, experiments,…). It will bring together specialists from academia and industry from all around the world, to discuss the latest technological innovations and recent achievements in material forming.

ESAFORM 2020 – 23rd International Conference on Material Forming

The conference will cover numerous disciplines related to material forming including all kind of materials (metals, polymers, ceramics and composites), processes (traditional and new forming processes), scales (nano, micro, macro and meso) and approaches (modelling, simulation, experiments,…). It will bring together specialists from academia and industry from all around the world, to discuss the latest technological innovations and recent achievements in material forming.

Grands instruments : un apport extraordinaire dans tous les domaines de Recherche

Cette journée thématique vise à mettre en avant les possibilités offertes par les grands instruments au service de la communauté de la science des matériaux en exposant la pluralité des domaines et les applications industrielles concernées, via la présentation de travaux novateurs ou d’études représentatives du potentiel de ces infrastructures. Les Prix Pierre Jacquet des plus belles images de matériaux seront décernés à l’issue de cette Journée.

IDDRG 2020 – 39th International Deep Drawing Research Group Conference

The IDDRG conferences have been established as an annual world-class forum, making major contribution in the field of the sheet metal forming processes.
The leading sheet metal specialists and researchers from all over the world participate in the event to promote exchanges of new ideas in all engineering aspects of sheet metal forming.