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26 octobre 2020 -
30 octobre 2020    
Toute la journée

Park Hyatt Busan
51, Marine City 1-Ro, Haeundae-Gu, Busan

Type d’évènement

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26 octobre 2020 -
30 octobre 2020 / Busan

Congrès virtuel

IDDRG 2020 – 39th International Deep Drawing Research Group Conference

[Initialement prévue 7-11 juin, reprogrammée en conférence virtuelle]

The IDDRG conferences have been established as an annual world-class forum, making major contribution in the field of the sheet metal forming processes.
The leading sheet metal specialists and researchers from all over the world participate in the event to promote exchanges of new ideas in all engineering aspects of sheet metal forming, such as behavior of workpiece materials, formability, tools, tribology, process robustness, simulation methods and experiments. Apart from the general topics, the theme of IDDRG 2020 is
“Be More Flexible: Extending Flexibility of Sheet Metal Forming”.

Site internet de l’évènement



IDDRG - The Korean Society For Technology of Plasticity


26 octobre 2020 -
30 octobre 2020


Park Hyatt Busan
51, Marine City 1-Ro, Haeundae-Gu, Busan
Corée du Sud


Prof. J.H.Kim - secretary@iddrg2020.kr

Date de soumission
