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29 juin 2021 -
1 juillet 2021    
Toute la journée

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29 juin 2021 -
1 juillet 2021 / 


PM Life – Press and Sinter – Fundamentals

The programme of the Press&Sinter Technology Course is divided into two parts. 

The first part (three days) is made up of theoretical lessons on the different steps of Press & Sinter technology, on materials and their properties, on design and technological aspects, on production equipment and on development prospects, especially in relation to the transition of cars to the electric or hybrid engine. The teachers are either from universities or from industries in the sector. The base mechanisms active during powder production and its consolidation throughout the process as well as those responsible for the properties of the sintered materials will be described.  

The second part (two days) starts with a day of laboratory activities in which students will be involved in the direct or indirect execution of experimental activities related to Press & Sinter technology, and in the processing and analysis of results with reference to case studies of industrial interest. At the end of the laboratory session, students will have to take a written exam lasting one hour that will lead to the course certificate. 

The second day will be dedicated to the visit of a Press & Sinter company. 

Fundamentals : 29 June – 1 July online. Practise : 8-9 September 2021 Trento (Italy)


EPMA - European Powder Metallurgy Association


29 juin 2021 -
1 juillet 2021


Bruno Vicenzi (bv@epma.com) or Delphine Nicolas (dn@epma.com).