26 mai 2025 -
29 mai 2025 / Villasimius
COUPLED 2025 – XI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering
The objectives of COUPLED PROBLEMS 2025 are to present and discuss state of the art, mathematical models, numerical methods and computational techniques for solving coupling problems of multidisciplinary character in science and engineering. The conference goal is to make step forward in the formulation and solution of real life problems with a multidisciplinary vision, accounting for all the complex couplings involved in the physical description of the problem.
The conference is one of the Thematic Conferences of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and a Special Interest Conference of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). It is also supported by other scientific organizations in Europe and worldwide.
The conference topics will include (the list is not exhaustive):
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques
- Coupled solution strategies
- Loose and strong coupling schemes
- Mathematical formulation of multidisciplinary problems
- Numerical Methods for Coupled Problems: Finite difference, Finite elements, Finite volume, Meshless methods, Particle methods, etc.
- Optimum design in multi-disciplinary problems
- Parallel and Real Time computational techniques
- Applications in science and engineering: Bio-medicine and bio-mechanics, Climate change, Computational design of functional materials, Electro-magnetic-dynamics, Energy and environment, Fluid-structure-interaction, Geomechanics, High performance computing, Industrial manufacturing processes, Multiphase flows, Multiphysics problems, Multiscale problems, Optimization and control, Thermo-mechanical problems, Transport and mobility, etc.
Each Invited Session is expected to consist of at least one 2-hour session (6 presentations of 20 minutes each). The number of sessions of each IS will be determined by the multiples of six papers submitted.
In each IS a Keynote lecture is allowed every two full sessions of the IS, where a keynote presentation normally comprises two presentation slots. This means you should have at least 10 confirmed presentations to schedule a KL.
The above scheduling includes time for questions and discussion.
IS001 Advances in Iterative Solution Methods for Solving Coupled Problems
IS003 Advanced Modelling of Dynamical Effects in Electro-Mechanical Systems
IS004 Advanced Numerical Methods for Coupled Particle-Laden Flow Problems
IS005 Advances and applications of particle-based methods for the simulation of coupled problems
IS006 Advances in Computational Methods for Digital Twins in Coupled Systems
IS007 Advances in Iterative Solvers for Coupled Multiphysics and Multiscale Problems
IS008 Advances in Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation of Electromagnetic Systems
IS010 Biological fluid structure interaction at low to intermediate Reynolds numbers
IS011 Challenges and perspective in numerical methods for atmosphere and ocean modelling
IS012 Computational Active Flow and Noise Control
IS013 Computational Brain Multiphysics
IS014 Computational Methods for Coupled Environmental Fluid Mechanics Problems
IS015 Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media
IS016 Coupled Mechanics and Material Modelling in Multiphysics and Extreme Environments
IS017 Coupled Multi-Scale and Multi-physics Computational Models for Electrochemical Systems
IS018 Coupled Problems in Hard Tissue Biomechanics
IS019 Coupled Problems Involving Cementitious Materials at All Scales
IS024 Data-Driven, Physics-Informed and Operator Learning Methods for Complex Dynamical Systems
IS025 Decoupling strategies for coupled flow problems and multiphysics
IS026 Design of Structures and Metamaterials for 3D Printing Using Advanced Mathematical Techniques
IS027 Dynamic Buckling of Cylindrical Shells Subjected to External Pressure Pulse
IS028 Efficient and Scalable Methods for Multiscale and Multiphysics Problems
IS029 Efficient Multiscale Modeling Using Machine Learning and Model-Order Reduction Schemes
IS030 Efficient solvers for coupled flow and deformation in porous media
IS033 High-Order and Innovative Methods for Coupled Problems in Life Science and Geophysics
IS034 Immersed Boundary Methods: Theory, Implementation, and Applications
IS035 Machine Learning for Multiphysics Material Modeling
IS036 Methods for Coupling Black and Grey Box Solvers in Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Problems
IS037 Mixed-Dimensional Modeling: Discretizations, Solvers and Multi-Physics Applications
IS040 Modeling of Surface-Subsurface Coupled Problems across Temporal and Spatial Scales
IS041 Modelling At Different Scales of Processes Involving Melting and Solidification Of Metals
IS042 Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulations With The Coupling Library preCICE
IS043 Multi-scale and Multi-physics Computational Methods for Tire-Road Contact
IS044 Multiphase flows with surface tension and capillarity
IS046 Multiscale Methods for CFD Problems
IS047 New Challenges for Unfitted Methods in Coupled and Multiphysics Problems
IS048 Nonlinear approximation methods for coupled problems
IS051 Optimization Methods for Coupled Problems
IS052 Process-structure-property Relationships in Metal Additive Manufacturing
IS053 Projection-Based and Data-Driven Reduced Order Modeling: Bridging Accuracy and Efficiency
IS054 Recent advances in continuum electromagnetism of multifunctional materials
IS056 Recent advances in high-order methods for nonlinear multi-physics systems
IS057 Sharing Advances in Numerical and Modelling Techniques for Fluid-Structure Interaction
IS058 Structure-Preserving and Asymptotic-Preserving Particle Methods for Plasma Simulation
IS059 Structure-Preserving Discretization of Coupled Problems
IS060 Thermomechanical Modeling of Large Deformation Processes
IS061 Uncertainty Propagation and Model Augmentation in Coupled Physics and Data-Based Models
Site internet de l’évènement
26 mai 2025 -
29 mai 2025
VOI Tanka Village
Via Degli Oleandri, 7, Villasimius
Date de soumission